How to fool the human brain.

How to fool the human brain.

How to fool the human brain.
How to fool the human brain.

The human brain can not analyze all the information that surrounds it; as part of a survival strategy is trained to operate statistically. Thus, the most relevant extracts from a situation and from that draw his conclusions. This capability is the same selection that makes be deceived with optical illusions. Then we explain why we "cheat" some of the most common.

-What line is longer?

Although these two lines have the same length, the bottom looks longer. This happens because the brain interprets the line with fins out is further away, so if it were a figure on the horizon, would indeed longer.

-Crazy -Paralelas.

This drawing lines are parallel. It happens that the zig zag vertical in the squares that are ordered alter the ability of our brain to understand the horizontal lines as such.

How to fool the human brain.
How to fool the human brain.

-Magenta Or orange?

All square interior in this chart are actually the same color, but as the way we perceive a color change in relation to the surrounding colors, we see different.

How to fool the human brain.
How to fool the human brain.

-Giran And rotate.

Here a similar phenomenon occurs cinematographer. As we read the image, you are recorded in retinal images that we saw a second before. So while we view the drawing, the images overlap creating the illusion of movement.

How to fool the human brain.
How to fool the human brain.

-Cara Or drink?

In this classic picture conflicting figures of form and substance. Our brain is not able to decide whether the figure is a glass or a pair of opposing faces because it is unable to see both at the same time.
How to fool the human brain.
How to fool the human brain.

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